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This is a simple application to give users the opportunity to rate your site and displays results in the form of bar charts (no graphics included). The source code contains a flexible configurable database.

The application's database is made up of four tables:
  1. Category: The table that contains the website rating categories such as Content, Authority...etc
  2. Grade: The grades or values that can be given to each category e.g. A, B, or C
  3. CategoryGradeDesc: This table holds the description for each category's grade value and a default grade value for the category.
  4. Rating: This is the table that users will update by rating your site.
The database tables relationship can be seen in the figure below:

database tables' relationship

Tables Relationship

Users submit a Category and a Grade which are then inserted into the rating table as shown in the script below:
INSERT INTO Rating(CategoryID, GradeID) VALUES(@CategoryID, @GradeID)
These grade values are then tallied against their counts to generate bar charts that relay the site rating for the given category as shown in the code below:

Sub DrawChart
    Dim RS,SQL
    'Set your SQL statement - use stored procedure if possible
    SQL = " SELECT Rating.CategoryID, Category.CategoryName, Sum(Grade.GradeValue) AS [Sum], Count(Rating.CategoryID) AS [Count], Max(Grade.GradeValue) AS [Max]"
        SQL = SQL & " FROM Grade INNER JOIN (Category INNER JOIN Rating ON Category.CategoryID = Rating.CategoryID) ON Grade.GradeID = Rating.GradeID"
        SQL = SQL & " GROUP BY Rating.CategoryID, Category.CategoryName"
        SQL = SQL & " ORDER BY Rating.CategoryID;"

    Set RS = Conn.Execute(SQL)
    If RS.EOF Then
        'No records returned
        Response.Write("No rating available.")
        Response.Write("<table border=0 width=300>")
        Do While Not RS.EOF    
            'For each category, draw a bar chart
            Call DrawCategory(RS("CategoryName"),RS("Sum"),RS("Count") * RS("Max"))    
        Response.Write("<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td align=right>")
        'Add a simple scale
        Response.Write("<table width=""100%"" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr>")
        Response.Write("<td align=left><font size=1 face=arial>0</td>")
        Response.Write("<td align=right><font size=1 face=arial>100%</td>")
    End If
    Set RS = Nothing
End Sub

Sub DrawCategory(strName,intValue,intMax)
    'Write category name and percentage
    Response.Write("<tr><td nowrap>" & strName & _
        " (<font size=1 face=arial>" & _
        CInt((intValue/intMax)*100) & _
         "%)</td><td bgcolor=black width=""99%"">")
    'Draw bar chart
End Sub

Sub DrawBar(intPercentage)
    Response.Write("<table width=""100%"" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr>")
    Response.Write("<td bgcolor=purple title=""" & _
         intPercentage & "%"" width=""" & intPercentage & _

    Response.Write("<td bgcolor=yellow width=""" & _
       (100-intPercentage) & "%"">&nbsp;</td>")
End Sub

The rating system will display results similar to those shown in the figure below:

rating system results

Rating System Results