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:: v2.5.11 released PrintHeader updated! ::    show all messagesPost a Reply
Mar 4 2005, 12:10 PM
 v2.5.11 released PrintHeader updated!Post a Reply

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from: Washington, DC

v2.5.11 has just been released with a minor change made to the report wizard's PrintHeader property.
You can now include your report's title to your PrintHeader by using the @ReportTitle entry in the PrintHeader as follows:

objWiz.PrintHeader = "<div style='padding-bottom:10px;text-align:right;'><img src='images/logo.gif'><h2 align=center>@ReportTitle</h2></div>"

where @ReportTitle will be replaced with the report title.

You can check out the example on our life demos by following the link below and click on the [Print] button.  

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