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:: Version 2.5.30 released - Bug Fixes ::    show all messagesPost a Reply
May 11 2005, 9:56 AM
 Version 2.5.30 released - Bug FixesPost a Reply

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from: Washington, DC

Version 2.5.30 of the report wizard has just been released.
This version contains several bug fixes and code uptimization including:This version also contains the additional functionality for the PrintHeader and PrintFooter properties requested by wongsa on May 9 2005, 7:28 AM in this post
Basically the following parameters can be added to the PrintHeader and PrintFooter properties to get the associated replacements:
  • @ReportTitle - The report's title
  • @CurrentPage - The current page
  • @NumOfPages - The number of pages
  • @NumOfRecs - The number of records.

objWiz.PrintFooter = "<div align=right>Page @CurrentPage of @NumOfPages (@NumOfRecs recs)</div>"

Let us know if you need more changes

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