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:: New Properties, Bug Fixes Version 2.5.47 Released :: (3)Post a Reply
Jul 5 2005, 2:09 PM
 New Properties, Bug Fixes Version 2.5.47 Released Post a Reply

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from: Washington, DC

Version 2.5.47 of the Report Wizard has just been released.
This version features new properties and a fix for the StoredProcedures bug reported by Peter

The new properties are listed below:

  • CanEditReportID :
    This can be used to prevent the user from changing the report id. The default value is True e.g.
    'Prevent user from changing Report ID
    objWiz.CanEditReportID = False

  • CanEditReportGroupID :
    This can be used to prevent the user from changing the report group id. The default value is True e.g.
    'Prevent user from changing Report Group ID
    objWiz.CanEditReportGroupID = False

  • HiddenSqlFilter :
    This is used to programatically insert more filters to the report. This parameter can be usefull if, for example you do not want your user to view information about other users. e.g.

    If strReportId = "Customers" And strUserRole = "Customer" Then
        objWiz.HiddenSqlFilter = "CUST_ID = " & Session("CustomerID")
    End If


    If  strReport = "OrderDetails"Then
        objWiz.HiddenSqlFilter = "UnitPrice > 50 Or ProductID = 11"
    End If

  • UseReportsWithIDs :
    Will restrict the user to be able to see only the reports having their ID's in the list. e.g.
    objWiz.UseReportsWithIDs = "R1,R2,R10"

  • UseFields :
    Used for security purposes, will restrict the fields that can be displayed to only those in the list. e.g.
    objWiz.UseFields = "OrderID,OrderDate,Freight"

  • XslExportTemplate :
    This property can be used to customize the XML dataset output. sample usage:
    objWiz.XslExportTemplate = "dataexport.xsl"
    You can download a sample stylesheet by clicking on the link below:
    Xml Sample Template


Let us know if you need more functionality

Jul 6 2005, 1:40 AM
 Re: New Properties, Bug Fixes Version 2.5.47 Re...Post a Reply

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since: Jun 16, 2005
from: Singapore

These new released property is very helpful but, It seem that have some bugs.
1.) HiddenSqlFilter Error Message: No Value give for one or more required parameters

' I use Northwind database as test
    objWiz.HiddenSqlFilter="CustomerID=" & "'" & CID & "'"
This happened when select the Products or other report to show data,  it works well when I select the Invoice table, ( the Products table don't have the field CustomerID), If you can provide HiddenSqlFilter to individual report by Report ID.
e.g.  ReportID("RIDOO1").HiddenSqlFilter ="CustomerID=" & "'" & CID & "'"

2) EditReportID & EditReportGroupID error
    Error Message: Object doen't support this property: "EditReportID" or "EditReportID"
    objWiz .EditReportID=False
    objWiz .EditReportGroupID=False

3) CanEdit = TRUE can not work, the purpose of the following code is: let user can EDIT the report, but Can not DELETE or ADD report, but result is: user can only see the report , can't see the HyperLink of "Build Report", how to Edit the report? ( The old version also have this problem)
Dim objWiz
Set objWiz = Server.CreateObject("AspWebSolution.ReportWizard2")
With objWiz
End With
objWiz.Init("PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;DATA SOURCE=" & Server.MapPath("../data/sample.mdb") & ";")
Set objWiz = Nothing
Hope you can help us to solve the problem.

Jul 6 2005, 3:30 PM
 Re: New Properties, Bug Fixes Version 2.5.47 Re...Post a Reply

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from: Washington, DC

These properties have been modified as of version 2.5.50.
For more information, check the following post:
Version 2.5.50 Release!

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