
from: Washington, DC
| Version 2.3.86 (build 2.0.386) of the ASP Report Wizard has just been released. This version features several new properties including more HTML output bug fixes. Some of the new properties include: ImagesUrl : Your default images URL/folder LocaleFile : The report wizard's display text settings (language file). This XML which works similar to the ReportsFile contains all the text displayed by reports generated. This file can be edited to support multiple languages or even images. More documentation will be added later. SetCSSClassNames is used to set your report's CSS class names.i.e. objWIz.SetCSSClassNames(strGrid, strHeader, strHeaderLink, strItem, strAltItem, strFooter, strPagingLink, strItemLink) . More documentation will be available later StyleSheet : The reports stylesheet; default is styles.css . This property is used with the new method SetCSSClassNames Title - The report's application title; default is ASP Report Wizard Width - The reports width More documentation will be available later. A sample of the locale file can be downloaded from the following URL
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